
Showing posts from June 17, 2019

Good health for all

50 thing to keep us happy and smiling.. 1:Go out for a walk 2:Paint your nails 3:Try cooking a new dish 4:Read a book/ Go to a bookstore 5:Take a long bath 6:Write in your journal 7:Catch up on your favorite shows 8:Watch an inspiring TED talk 9:Meditation 10:Organize your room/closet 11: Get a massage 12:Experiment with your makeup 13:Try a new workout class 14:Explore your neighborhood 15:Pray to God 16:Watch a funny Youtube video 17:Make good friends 18:Do good to others, to thise in need 19:Go to a comedy show 20:Visit a museum 21:Write a handwritten letter to someone you care about 22:Make your own face scrub 23:Head to a cafe for coffee/tea 24:Research something you’ve been meaning to learn more about 25:Clean your home 26:Create a playlist 27:Declutter your inbox 28Fix your resume 29:Exercise 30:Set intentions 31:Work on manifesting all you desire 32:Listen to a podcast 33...

Buying of a stolen phone is bad

 PdR:  The Lagos State Police Command’s spokesperson, DSP Bala Elkana, has warned Nigerians to desist from buying stolen phones.                       According to him, “Under our laws, it is quite a serious offence for one to buy stolen phones. The law even regards the buyer to be more culpable than even the thief. The punishment is more for the buyer than the thief. The wisdom behind that is to discourage people from stealing because if there is no market where they would sell those stolen things, they would not steal them but because they have a ready market, they easily steal. "This is why the law makes the punishment stiffer for the buyer. The person who steals may get three years punishment, while the buyer could get seven years imprisonment and at the end, he will lose the property once we trace it to him. For a person to avoid buying stolen property, it is advisable that he buys things in the open market and...