Good health for all

50 thing to keep us happy and smiling..

  1. 1:Go out for a walk
  2. 2:Paint your nails
  3. 3:Try cooking a new dish
  4. 4:Read a book/ Go to a bookstore
  5. 5:Take a long bath
  6. 6:Write in your journal
  7. 7:Catch up on your favorite shows
  8. 8:Watch an inspiring TED talk
  9. 9:Meditation
  10. 10:Organize your room/closet
  11. 11: Get a massage
  12. 12:Experiment with your makeup
  13. 13:Try a new workout class
  14. 14:Explore your neighborhood
  15. 15:Pray to God
  16. 16:Watch a funny Youtube video
  17. 17:Make good friends
  18. 18:Do good to others, to thise in need
  19. 19:Go to a comedy show
  20. 20:Visit a museum
  21. 21:Write a handwritten letter to someone you care about
  22. 22:Make your own face scrub
  23. 23:Head to a cafe for coffee/tea
  24. 24:Research something you’ve been meaning to learn more about
  25. 25:Clean your home
  26. 26:Create a playlist
  27. 27:Declutter your inbox
  28. 28Fix your resume
  29. 29:Exercise
  30. 30:Set intentions
  31. 31:Work on manifesting all you desire
  32. 32:Listen to a podcast
  33. 33:Go to the movies
  34. 34:Create a budget
  35. 35:Drink water (link to water post)
  36. 36:Take a nap
  37. 37:Meal plan/ prep
  38. 38:Find a new affirmation for your week
  39. 39:Browse your favorite website
  40. 40:Draw or color in a coloring book
  41. 41:Watch a documentary
  42. 42:Write a creative story
  43. 43:Read bible and tell people about it.
  44. 44:Do laundry
  45. 45:Make a vision board (link to vision board post)
  46. 46:FaceTime someone
  47. 47:Try a new hairstyle
  48. 48:Pin away on Pinterest
  49. 49:Redecorate a room in your house
  50. 50:Go out to assist the oder ones.
These are the fifty things one can do to stay a positive life and be happy, what do u thing? Can we Nigerians do this or is is there more to it? Just let us know.


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