Is your phone controlling you?

You and your phone who is the master? 7 things to know if your phone is controlling you. Today there is a lot of things we do with phone to do homework to do research to talk to friends to play music and game, etc. But is that your phone controlling you? .these are 7 things to know if truly your phone is controlling you and how to limit it.. Do you put your phone on the table next to you at meals? Do you check it every 10 seconds? Do you panic when it runs out of battery, or, gasp, you forget it at home? If you said yes to all three, there's a good chance you're addicted to your phone. Worse, you're letting it run your life. Think about it: How many times have you been late to dinner because your phone just had to charge? Then, how many dinners have you kinda ruined by checking your notifications throughout the meal? Do you allow your meal get burnt because of your mobile phone? 1. You Sleep With It You need an alarm clock, obviously. But is that really ...