
Showing posts from June 30, 2019


  INSTITUTIONS THAT THEIR POST UTME/SCREENING FORM IS OUT, CUT OFF MARKS, AND DEADLINES FOR REGISTRATION... 1)FUTO---- 180 12th July. 2)AAU---- 170 18th July. 3)FUNAII----180 3rd July. 4)UNIBEN----200 Nill. 5)UNICAL----160 17th July. 6)ABSU---- 160 19th July. 7)FUDUTSE--- 160 Nill. 8)TASUED---180 3rd July. 9)UNILORIN-----180 20th July. 10)UI---------200 21st July. 11)CRUTECH----160 24th October. 12)BUK-----180 2nd August . 13)IMSU----180 30th July. 14)Delta State Poly-Ogwashiuk----140 15)Igbajo Poly-Osun state----140 16)FUOTUOKE----160 30th July. 17)DELSU-ABRAKA----160 18)LASU----190 2nd July. 19)Delta State Poly-Ozoro----140 23rd September. 20)petroleum training institute (PTI)----120 31st July. 21)Redeemers University Nigeria----170 22)Borno State University (BSU)----160 NILL 23)NEKEDE -POLY OWERRI ----180 24)NDU-----160 10th August. 25)Umaru Musa Yaradua university---170 20th July. 26)EDE-POLY----140 30th July. 27)ILARO -POLY---150 28)AKWA -POLY IKOT OS

The super Eagles lost to Madagascar 2-0

MADAGASCAR 2-0 NIGERIA: Super Eagles stunned as Barea steal Group B’s top spot The Super Eagles of Nigeria were left stunned after a 2-0 defeat to the Barea of Madagascar Madagascar at the Alexandria Stadium on Sunday. Goals from Lallaina Nomenjanahara and Carolus Andrea in either half of  the game ensured a Gernot Rohr tutored side would lose Group B’s first spot to the AFCON debutants and set up a likely round of 16 clash with either Ghana or Cameroon. Head coach Gernot Rohr, made five changes to his side that started in the 1-0 victory against Guinea’s Syli Nationale on Wednesday. Moses Simon was moved to the bench as Samuel Kalu finally got named in the starting XI after his dehydration issue while in training just days to Nigeria’s first game against Burundi. Goalkeeper Daniel Akpeyi who kept clean sheets in Nigeria’s first two game was also benched as Katsina United’s Ikechukwu Ezenwa got named in goal to replace the Kazier Chiefs man. William Troost-Ekong came i

iPhone Users

Do you need recommendations on how to transfer photos from computer to iPhone? The process is easy and quick, especially if you know several techniques and tricks. Your friends will ask you to help them with their pictures when they get to know you possess this skill! Okay, there is no magic involved. You just need to know how to import photos from computer to iPhone with and without the help of iTunes software. This is the primary point. Therefore, you will need your phone, your personal computer, internet connection, and a USB cable. How to transfer photos from computer to iPhone There are four main ways to transfer photos from Mac to iPhone. You can share images from your computer with the help of three major services: iTunes, iCloud, Google Photos, or without any of these tools, via some special software. Now, moving on to exactly how to transfer files from PC to iPhone with the help of the mentioned tools. How to transfer photos from PC to iPhone without iTunes Yo

We don't need COW : watch video and see how some Anambra residents , chased away cows around the villages...

We don't need cows anymore!!!! Anough is Anough Anambra The people of Anambra State in Nigeria have decided to chase away cows,  in their farms and villages,  It is happening live now in anambra state. I mean the people have been complaining about cows destroying their crops and others,  so for now they don't need any cow anymore,  no one can stop them from doing that. Because they are tired of seeing their farms and properties  get destroyed .enough is enough. so what do you think about it?