Corpes of a little missing boy found in a Church Alter

Corpes of a Little Missing Boy Found Under A Church Alter

Angry Mob Burns Down One Of The Biggest Churches In Akure Sotitobire After Allegedly Finding out The Corpse Of A Missing Little Boy who have been missing for long was found Under the Alter.
The entire church was set ablaze by the furious mob with out any part of the church untouched.
But the owner of the church was no where to be found as the angry mob would be searching for the man for interrogation ,the church building was burning razing down without the intervention of the police force.
There is serious chaos in Akure, the Ondo State Capital as angry mob has set the popular Sotitobire Miracle Center ablaze.
Few weeks ago, a one-year-old boy Eniola Kolawole reportedly went missing inside the church. He was reporedly dropped off by his mum at the Children’s section but when she went back to pick him, he was not seen.
The parents of the child petitioned the DSS and the founder of the church, Prophet Alfa Babatunde was arrested.
Reports from Akure today suggests the missing boy has been found buried under the church altar.
Angry youths stormed the church, destroyed the interior and set the building ablaze.
updates will come soon when we have enough information, but for now put down your comments below


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